Saturday, January 31, 2009

Make way while ethics shine !!!!!!!

Make way while ethics shine !!!!!!!

Tender minds can be carved in the manner that we want them to bloom like. Ethics can set forth the pace of the way a child thinks.
Having said the above there is not much left to be said. It is crystal clear to the wise that no amount of effort made in the course of maturity will bear fruits in the latter stages, rather it is during the growing years that is before the world takes the reigns of the child that one is to be introduced to the alley where one tip toes while falling, one trips but rises in an instant. It is this brief stroll that he takes that decides his destiny as a man of values.
Thus one may genuinely say that ethics can be taught but at the primary level where a child has no distinction of gender and no distinction of good and bad. Without the separation of the two one can sail smoothly.
The debate among today’s generation is whether ethics be taught or not. it is really hard to take a stand. I am not trying to be neutral but to my amazement it cannot be taught yet it can be touched upon with ease. When I say that it cannot be taught I am putting my foot down by saying that morally brigading a person at latter stages of life is just not proper in terms of practice. But at the same time one can by no means sit still and let an alien force take to things. It is important to lay the foundation for the execution of moral practices. Thus I say that it is at the primary level that a child should be made aware of the definition of values. Only with a tight grip at the infancy can in the latter stages of the life a man be proclaimed to be one with a reasonably good sense of judgment. It is with a rightful sense of judgment that one may decipher or rather distinguish between what is ethically misjudged or morally right. Without the bestowment of this one shall remain dazed in a flimsy situation.
Thus I say that the use of the subject stands nullified if not taught at the primary level.

Friday, January 30, 2009

When u left ….
The cluttering pain that struck my heart left me in a lurch …..I knew I shall miss u …but not to this extent.
Can’t say ‘bout the consistency of the feeling ...but let me confide ...It shows no signs of abating.
I have had friends, and have encountered foes, & some who never were anything. Then there was you..! a frequent “smile struck face” that bore it for as long as I can assume to remember. When u said goodbye you took away a part of me that will never be requited.
We may meet we may not meet, but one thing that stands clear that none shall remain the same after today, for this day marks the beginning of a new era………. and an end, to the two long years that went by …they swept past so quickly yet come to think of it the stealth of time made it seem so sluggish.
I will hold your image as I saw it today in the eye of my mind forever & ever after, for you may go though a metamorphosis but I shall show no sign of getting you out of the womb of my mind.
You belong to your unpretentious self…..but your soul still peeps out of your eyes. Your soul is locked up in mine...don’t force me to release it coz its not in my power to do so.
Farewell my dear Rains!!!......

From ……….ur Vijeya !!!!


The present moment is one that speaks of murderous lies, blatant and brutal, but we go through belying our frustrations and our anguish by a sheepish smile. We think we've done it! ..................we think we have mastered the art of fooling people.But like the saying goes.....Truth is stranger than fiction.........and indeed it is the truth is....we don't give two hoots to what others think of us. Then the million dollar question is "whom are we trying to fool anyway?"…………………………………………………….. YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW! But what’s the point already know him and that "him" is no one else but YOU!! You simply loathe the sight of this man, yet you stand there with your eyes shut, not willing to face him in the eye. For ages man has been desperately trying to deceive other men. i wonder when will the slate be clean from his side ? Well not until he stands up to the fact that he is his own enemy and he alone is his own friend.Unless we eliminate this constant conflict of which we have fallen prey to, we shall continue to rot in the drains without being positively conscious of our deplorable state.

The bible says," Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free". Then all we need to do is to come out of our closets!!!

Vijeya Walia